On Earth Prime (Earth’) –one of many Earths established in the galaxy- an old man named Elah owns one of the last plots of unimproved land on the planet. Remembering the old days before mega-cities completely dominated, Elah takes a chance on planting some seeds his mother and father gave to him years earlier, hoping that one of them will grow into a tree in his lifetime. This prompts a race to grow between two seeds: the hot-headed Sonny, and the more timid, but friendly Bean. Competition ensues as Sonny and Bean try their best to gain Sun, water, and nutrients, while hindering the other from doing the same. Sonny shoots up very quickly into a sapling and believes she will win, as Bean is still just a seedling. In a turn of events, Sonny soon realizes that she is no tree at all, as her more competitive and aggressive nature has grown her into a Sunflower. Elah soon stops visiting, and prepares himself up to sell the land to the government (who have been pressuring him to sell for years). On a final trip to say goodbye to his land, Elah is speechless at the sight of Bean, who has patiently grown into a tall white oak tree. Elah brings his grandchildren to play, and soon people across the city come to see the magnificent sight that is Bean.

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