Collage > Traditional > Digital > Motion
Collage > Traditional > Digital > Motion

Below is the collage I started from using images I found online based on Punk Rock/ Grunge aesthetics.
This was a great starting point, though obviously it went through a lot of tweaking in the next few stages, particularly with the number of burning Roses, the color palette, and the amount of shoes being worn

Next was my interpretation of the collage into a traditional drawing. I changed the stance to be more dynamic and facing fully forward, and incorporated the snake better into the scene

Next was to transfer the traditional drawing into digital, which was a pretty simple process. Having so many different textures across the various objects made rendering it a lot of fun and allowed me to practice different techniques

And of course, once again, the animated gif made with the timeline in Photoshop. The movement of the rainbow was probably the hardest part to get to transition seamlessly, but I still got it after a bit of work. The fire ended up different from how I had originally imagined it, but it allowed me to create the illusion of movement without having to warp or redraw it