4K Vertical Render

4K Horizontal Render

Initial Concept + Pitch

The Cuckoo - Hun Batz Sculpture w/ Jewel

The Revelers - Explorer + Stabby Monkey

The Clock - Mayan Calendar Round + Some Curious Monkeys

The Genre Scene - Explorer + Some Aggressive Monkeys

Weights + Pendulum - Explorer Traversing the Mountainside + A Swingy Monkey

Character Sheet

Full Top Half Render

Zoomed-out Render to show Rockface + Mayan Painting Detail

Explorer Dangling from the Bottom Weight

Explorer Catching his Breath on the Middle Weight

Explorer Reaching for the Ladder on the Third Weight

Explorer Ascending the Ladder to the Temple

Pendulum Monkey Observing the Explorer

Left-Side Monkeys Attacking the Explorer

Right-Side Monkeys Attacking the Explorer (+ 2001: A Space Odyssey Reference)

The Explorer Dodging Arrows

The Sacred Calendar Round (My Favorite Shot!)

No Soliciting!